Tasmania celebrates its water leaders and projects making a positive impact

The TAS Water Awards recognise the contribution of the Association’s members for their inspiring leadership, environmental management, and innovative approach in infrastructure planning.
AWA CEO Corinne Cheeseman congratulated all the finalists and winners, noting their outstanding achievements and significant contribution.
“The work under way by Tasmanian water professionals is really impressive, and it’s great to see it being showcased and recognised this way,” said Cheeseman.
“Tasmania is a place where the environment, community and health are valued, it is great to see this reflected through the outstanding work of our winners and finalists.
“AWA would like to congratulate the water professionals and organisations who embody our purpose to inspire and drive a sustainable water future.”
This year’s TAS Water Award winners will go on to represent the state in the national Australian Water Awards, which will be presented at the Association’s annual water conference and exhibition, Ozwater’23, in Sydney.
Infrastructure Project Innovation Award (REGIONAL) (sponsored by SMEC):
Launceston Network Flow Survey and Hydraulic Model Build and Calibration - TasWater, WSP and ADS Environmental Services
The Launceston network monitoring and model calibration project has been a collaboration between TasWater and industry partners. It has delivered an accurate and predictive tool that will be utilised to plan and design significant projects within Launceston. The project has also significantly built the understanding and operational intelligence of Australia’s largest combined sewage network.
Young Water Professional of the Year (sponsored by Stornoway):
Akira Weller-Wong, Estuary Scientist, Derwent Estuary Program
Akira is an enthusiastic and committed scientist in estuarine management. His passion for the environment is reflected in his roles in restoring native woodlands in the Tasmanian Midlands as a Stormwater Officer and now Estuary Scientist working to reduce pollutant loads in the Derwent estuary by providing science to guide management.
Water Professional of the Year
Tim Gardner, Chairman, Stornoway
Tim has more than 30 years’ experience in business leadership and strategic development. He is an active AWA member and was the Tasmanian Branch president for six years. Tim takes great pride in actively engaging across industry, government and community to build networks that support diversity, collaboration and participation.
A video celebrating our award winners can be found here.
The Association congratulates all the award finalists and winners and thanks our sponsors, Fulton Hogan, Stornoway, SMEC, TasWater, Zezt and the Tasmanian Government, for their support of this event and these important industry awards.