QLD Source: Indigenous Engagement at Q'Water24

This year Q’Water24 was held at Novotel Twin Waters Resort on Kabi Kabi Country from 31 October – 1 November. We were officially Welcomed to Country by Lyndon Davis, Kabi Kabi man, cultural educator, artist and performer, with energetic and provocative stories about history of the lands and waters of Kabi Kabi Country and potent didgeridoo song.
Before the official conference opening, Lyndon led a Walk on Country to help guests understand some of the fundamentals of his land and sea, sharing the spirit of the place through rich Dreamtime stories of Kabi Kabi Country’s creation, its landforms and abundant ecosystems. Lyndon told of various uses for native plants, the seasonal relationships between many local species and how they have been influenced by modern changes to the ecosystem.
Several presentations during the conference, provided insights into the engagement approaches with First Nation parties and how we can consider cultural values in water planning, projects and operations. Emma Newton from Unitywater, presented on the insights and value gained from regular engagement with Kabi Kabi People, well ahead of Unitywater project delivery. Two key frequent and regular actions with the Kabi Kabi People have been - site inductions provided by Kabi Kabi to project teams ensuring awareness of material and intangible cultural heritage, and proactive, Kabi Kabi-led on site monitoring throughout project lifecycles.
Prof. Phil Duncan, a proud Kamilaroi man and Australian Water Professional of the Year 2024 and Declan Hearne, Seqwater shared their insights from the development of a Cultural Capability Maturity Model. This model looks inward toward organisational capabilities for developing and maintaining healthy, ongoing partnerships that are both strategic and aligned with shared interests for a water authority and local First Nation party. This First Nations-led research, provides a critical new tool for mapping and diagnosis of cultural maturity in water agencies, be they government, private, or not-for-profit.
Please contact Kylie Pinwill if you would like to connect with any of the presenters.