Podcast – Leading Global Practices for Smart Resilient Cities with IWAA

Join host Dr Michael Storey (Managing Director, Isle Utilities Pty Ltd - Asia-Pacific and Deputy Chair of IWAA) and Professor Tony Wong for this exclusive podcast interview on Leading Global Practices for Smart Resilient Cities.
Tony and Michael discuss innovative solutions to building more resilient cities and systems across many social-technical contexts - from cities in advanced economies to developing cities, from large cities to small island states.
IWA Australia (IWAA) is a branch committee of AWA and aims to connect the Australian water industry with the activities of the International Water Association (IWA). IWA is a non-profit organisation and knowledge hub for the global water sector that seeks to connect water professionals worldwide to find solutions to the world's water challenges.
Professor Tony Wong is a civil engineer and Professor in Sustainable Development at Monash University. Tony is internationally recognised for his research and practice in sustainable urban water management, particularly in novel approaches to Water Sensitive Urban Design. Throughout his career, Tony has led collaboration and translation of research insights into innovative practices in urban water management both in Australia and overseas.
This podcast is proudly sponsored by Schneider Electric