Water for Life

Greater Western Water, Melbourne Water, South East Water and Yarra Valley Water have together developed the draft Greater Melbourne Urban Water and System Strategy (GMUWSS), also referred to as Water for Life. The draft strategy is a 50-year plan to manage urban water security, balancing the broad range of water values and needs of our region now and in the future. The draft has been developed in parallel with the discussion draft Central and Gippsland Sustainable Water Strategy (CGRSWS), which has helped to inform the broader direction and policy settings of the strategy.
The draft strategy is built on the collaborators' best industry knowledge, shaped by ideas and feedback they've heard from the water sector and the community, and further strengthened by input from Traditional Owner groups and their independent Community Panel.
Now they’re inviting the public to review and provide feedback on the draft strategy.
To help reach a broad and diverse range of people across Greater Melbourne, they're seeking support in sharing this opportunity with customers, community, neighbours and friends. This is a fantastic opportunity to set the context for this significant moment in time, where anyone in Greater Melbourne can have their say on the future of our water.
Everyone is welcome to read the full or summarised version of the strategy, explore the interactive dashboard or come along to an online community webinar to chat directly with the project team.
Public consultation is now open through to Wednesday 13 July 2022.
Learn more or have your say online here.