Smart Approved WaterMark rebrands to The Water Conservancy

Smart Approved WaterMark has recently announced its rebranding as The Water Conservancy, nearly 20 years after it was first established to certify water-efficient products and services.
CEO Chris Philpot said The Water Conservancy worked to support the water industry, local governments, households, and businesses to improve their understanding of where water comes from and how to conserve more and waste less.
"Each year in Australia our reliance on water increases, yet the value we place on it declines. We need water to live and to keep our families healthy. But all too often we take it for granted," Philpot said.
He said The Water Conservancy made it its business to understand the attitude of Australians to water, improve water awareness and water literacy, and water consumption and facilitating water efficiency.
Research is key to developing and implementing strategies and the creation of programs and resources.
The most recent study commissioned by The Water Conservancy is the Billions of Water Using Minutes report which uniquely measured how many minutes a day Australians run their taps.
“Australians can be on auto-pilot using water at home so by becoming aware of how often they reach for their taps we inspire them to waste less,” he said.
To support local government, the water industry and business, The Water Conservancy provides access to online tools and resource materials.
The Water Conservancy has five programs providing solutions to engage with everyday Australians and businesses through five separate programs: Smart Water Advice, Smart Water Solutions, Walter Smart & Friends, Smart Approved WaterMark and Water Night.
“We are committed to changing people’s behaviours and raising awareness about their water use. To do that, we continue to certify water-efficient products and services, and provide advice about saving water at home, at work and in the garden," Philpot said.
“We enable businesses to identify water savings with water audits and recommendations, deliver performances and workshops in schools and run the annual water awareness initiative – 'Water Night' during National Water Week in October.
“Increasing everyone’s perceived value of water is key to conserving more and wasting less. We want to work with you and your community to achieve that."