QLD Source: Remembering Ralph Woolley

It is with heavy hearts that we share with you the sad news of the passing of an industry stalwart, Ralph Woolley. Ralph had been suffering from lymphoma over a number of years, with chemo treatments interspersed with periods of remissions. Finally, the lymphoma caught up with him and he sadly passed away on Saturday 23rd November.
After graduating with a degree in applied science from QUT in the mid 1970s , Ralph joined the Brisbane City Council (BCC) and worked at the coal face of water supply ( Mt Crosby) and sewage treatment ( Luggage Point ). He left in 1988 to take up an operational/management role with CSR Wood Panels at Ipswich. He then had a short stint with Simmonds and Bristow before returning to the BCC Urban Management Division in 1998. Here, he worked on big picture policy, where he helped pioneer alternatives to the traditional water & sewerage paradigm. After leaving BCC in 2002, Ralph had various operational and management roles in industry and consulting. In more recent years, he set up his own consultancy, WaterOne, and amongst other projects, assisted the Gladstone Area Water Board and the Gympie Regional Council in water planning & infrastructure work.
Ralph’s no-nonsense approach was a trademark of his success in his various roles. He had a sharp mind, and a wide understanding of all aspects of water and wastewater, and the environment. This provided him with excellent credentials for managing complex water industry projects, and the ability to find a clear path through often unwieldy bureaucratic processes.
Those who worked with him commented that he always had a positive glass half full outlook on life, both for work & personal issues, and was always supportive of his colleagues. Ralph was always welcoming and happy to share his knowledge, which often extended into much appreciated mentoring. His wry sense of humour was appreciated by all.
He was always a strong supporter of the AWA and was a past Queensland Branch President, where he encouraged & facilitated a very successful conference & seminar program focusing on alternative urban water supply paradigms. Ralph was also highly regarded for his support of fellow AWA committee members and mentored some of them as they rose through the ranks of the Association. He was also on the Board of the Co-operative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment, where, as usual, he contributed his pithy opinions in that cheeky way that only Ralph could manage.
Ralph was also a keen fisherman, and a year was not complete without a week of beach fishing. Who can forget his gnarly hands from all those healed fishing line cuts!. The other personal passion of Ralph’s was rally cars – both watching and driving them in “safe” mode….especially his high-performance Mitsubishi Lancer EVO. He could be fairly described as a serious “petrol head”.
Ralph was a true giver…….and we feel very blessed to have known him. A quote that comes to mind is the only things you are remembered for when you are gone, is what you have given away and the legacy you create. We think Ralph will be fondly remembered indeed!
Our thoughts go out to Ralph’s wife, Rose-Marie, and his family.
RIP Ralph.