A Message from SA Branch President Carmen Wentrock

It was an absolute honour to be part of the SA Branch Awards, where the Branch recognised our finalists across research, infrastructure and people across the water industry. Not only was this event not cancelled, but we also had an opportunity to highlight our sector that has carried on, in what can only be described as difficult times. 2021 has continued to be a year where we have been flexible and adaptive and innovated along the way. It’s more important than ever that we celebrate successes across our industry.
In particular, I would like to recognise Victor Cantone for winning the Premier's Water medal (SA Water Professional of the Year). Since changing the criteria around nominations to consider the last five years of someone’s career, Victor is the youngest winner from SA while having a national impact. Victor will represent SA at OzWater’22 in Brisbane.
A highlight of 2021 for me was to accept the baton as President of the SA Branch Committee from Elsie Mann, who has given so much of her time and made a significant contribution in her time as President. It was very encouraging to see the response from our members when it came time to renew the SA Branch committee, as happens every two years. A call went out for positions on the Young Water Professionals Committee at the same time as the Branch committee, and again we had an encouraging response. I am always enthused by the energy and passion our YWPs bring to anything they do.
I look forward to working with these committees to bring events that are relevant, topical and challenge our thinking, together with networking and professional development opportunities. We have the Minister's breakfast early in the new year - starting the year of what will be a full calendar of opportunities!
I would like to wish you and your families a safe and Merry Christmas, and that you can take a break and recharge for 2022.