Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the NSW Branch of the Australian Association of Water and Sewage Treatment

An excerpt from the Australian Water and Wastewater Association New South Wales Minutes.
This meeting was held at 3:30 p.m. the 16th August, 1961, in the Sydney Water Board Lecture Theatres, 341 Pitt Street, Sydney.
There were ninety-one present, including representatives of Government and Semi-Government, Local Government Bodies, the Universities, and trade interests.
The Chairman, Dr. M. J. Flynn, explained the purpose of the meeting, the support for it, then outlined the history of the development of the Association.
Mr. H. G. Sweet, Engineer-in-Chief, on behalf of the Board welcomed the visitors the meeting.
The Chairman read the Memorandum and By-laws, whereupon the meeting resolved that the Melbourne Drafting Committee be informed of its comments as follows:-
Draft Constitution:
Clause 1. The name of the organisation shall be the Australian Water and Sewage Treatment Association.
Clause 6(d). "The Council shall appoint annually a Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer."
Clause 8(b). Add Vice Chairman.
Clause 11. Add "After a plebiscite of members" before the words "the Association may affiliate".
There was some discussion of 5(d), certain members feeling that the word "associates" should be replaced by the words "affiliated members", but the meeting resolved that the Membership Clauses were satisfactory and did not need alteration.
The meeting resolved on the motion of Mr. H. G. Sweet, seconded by Mr. B. Andrews, that the Australian Water and Sewage Treatment Association should be formed and that a New South Wales Branch thereof also be formed.
The meeting resolved on the motion of Mr. G. D. Aiken, seconded by Mr. M. Kline, that there be formed immediately a provisional committee of the New South Wales Branch as follows:-
Dr. M. J. Flynn, Sydney Water Board, Chairman and Convener.
Mr. H. G. Sweet, Sydney Water Board, Vice Chairman.
Mr. S. Ogg, Government Analyst, Secretary.
Mr. L. Adams, Sydney Water Board, Treasurer.
Sir Edward Ford, Director, School of Public Health, Univ. of Sydney
Prof. C. H. Munro, School of Civil Engineering, University of N.S.W
Mr. W. Attwood, Chief Engineer, Newcastle Water Board.
Mr. R. Hulton, Public Works Department, Sydney.
Dr. J. Donnellan, Metropolitan Medical Officer of Health, Sydney.
Mr. J. Yeaman, Blue Mountains' City Council Engineer.
Mr. N. McGowan, Wallace & Tiernan Pty. Ltd.
Mr. G. J. Lord, Marine & Industrial Power Co. Pty. Ltd.
Mr. G. I. Davey, Consultant.
Mr. T. B. Nicol, Consultant.
Mr. R. M. Baxter, Director, Cwealth. Department of Works, Sydney.
Co-opted Members:
Dr. W. Crick, Medical Officer of Health, Canberra.
Mr. W. C. Andrews, Associate Commissioner, National Capital Development Commission Canberra.
Dr. E.S. Meyers, Director of State Health Services.
The meeting resolved on the motion of Mr. N. McGowan, seconded by Mr. G. J. Lord, that the Convener, Dr. M. J. Flynn, should be authorised to forward to the Melbourne Drafting Committee a summary of the comments expressed and resolutions passed at this meeting.