Elections are now open for the Victorian Branch Committee and the Young Water Professionals Subcommittee 2024.
We are excited to announce that we have received 18 nominations for the 11 available positions on the Victorian Branch Committee, and 15 nominations for the 8 available positions on the Young Water Professionals Subcommittee. Consequently, elections will be held for both committees for the 2024 2 year term.
Please carefully read the Nominee Statements and Log into your AWA Portal to cast your vote.

When casting your vote, we encourage you to read the nomination statements carefully and consider the candidates' diverse backgrounds, including gender, culture, experience, ability, technical background, interests, company or position. Please review AWA's Diversity Statement here.
The voting will be open until 5 pm on 13 June 2024. Please note that each member can only vote once in this election.