Join us for an insightful morning of networking, and the chance to hear from influential figures in the Tasmanian Water industry on the topic ESG – Fact or Fiction? Then, join us for a site tour to the Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant and learn more about the exciting upgrade project.
Industry Breakfast
What does Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) mean to you and your professional life? Will it deliver a better world? Or are they just buzz words and platitudes?
Hear from our panel on what ESG means for them and be part of the conversation to better understand the concept and its application.
Meet the Panelists
 Dr Claire Horner Environmental Accountant, CSIRO
About Dr Claire Horner Dr Claire Horner is a Senior Research Scientist in the Environment Team at the CSIRO, specialising in environmental and natural capital accounting. As a Certified Practicing Accountant, Claire has a professional as well as research interest in governance, business ethics and accountability. In her previous role as a Senior Lecturer in Accounting at the University of Tasmania, Claire taught several units incorporating ESG issues including 'Corporate Sustainability and the Triple Bottom Line' and 'Contemporary Business Issues', and has presented her research on social and environmental accounting and reporting practices at a number of international conferences
Sarah Barrett Lead Consultant, Sustainability Strategy, Pinion Advisor
About Sarah Barrett Sarah is the team leader for sustainability strategy at Pinion Advisory based in Freeling, South Australia. Sarah brings climate resilient thinking to the range of Pinion’s business areas including environmental services, on-farm production and agri-business sustainability strategy. With experience in viticulture, broadacre cropping, grazing systems and agroecology, Sarah sees carbon farming as an area of rapid growth and growing interest. Sarah works in emissions reduction, climate adaptation and change management for producers, processors, and end users of agricultural products. Internally at Pinion Advisory, Sarah also leads a natural capital accounting project and has been a key developer of an ESG (environmental sustainability and governance) policy for Pinion Advisory.
Phil Woods Sustainability and Climate Change Lead, TasWater
About Phil Woods Phil is a sustainability thought leader in circular economy, resource recovery, energy and carbon management. Phil joined Tas Water as Sustainability and Climate Change Lead in January 2024, with a focus on implementing its renewable energy roadmap and developing resource recovery opportunities. Prior to that Phil spent 2023 working with GHD as Technical Director Sustainability, building a local Tasmanian sustainability team and working with a range of Tasmanian clients, including Tas Water and Tas Irrigation. Prior to that, Phil spent 16 years at Sydney Water, most recently as Strategic Planning Manager, Circular Economy and Resource Recovery. Phil led the development of Sydney Water's Carbon Zero Plan and its Circular Economy Strategic Blueprint. He has a particular interest in unlocking the water sector’s capabilities and capacity to turn organic waste into valued resources.
Rodney Dillon Chair, Weetapoona Aboriginal Corporation
About Rodney Dillon Rodney Dillon, a respected Palawa Elder from Tasmania, has dedicated his life to advocating for Indigenous rights. He has held significant roles such as Indigenous Campaigner for Amnesty International, Chair of the National Reference Group for Repatriation of Australian Indigenous Remains, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Commissioner for Tasmania. He has also been a member of the Stolen Generations Alliance: Australians for Truth, Justice and Healing, Chairperson of the Aboriginal Heritage Council, and founder of the Tasmanian Regional Aboriginal Communities Alliance (TRACA). Rodney has been involved in Aboriginal fishing rights and chaired a World Indigenous Fishing Conference in Vancouver. He is a founding member of the South East Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre and current Chair of the Weetapoona Aboriginal Corporation. His contributions have been recognized with several awards, including being a finalist for Australian of the Year in 2011 and co-winner of the National NAIDOC Awards Person of the Year in 2005. His tireless advocacy and leadership have made significant contributions to Indigenous rights and heritage preservation in Australia.
Breakfast Details
Date |
Thursday 21 March 2024 |
Time |
7:00am - 9:00am |
Venue |
Moonah Arts Centre |
Address |
23-27 Albert Rd, Moonah, TAS, 7009 |
Dress Code |
Business Casual (or as below if also attending the site tour)
Site Tour: Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant
The Breakfast will be followed by a Site Tour of the Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant (WTP). The Treatment Plant is greater Hobart’s primary source of drinking water, providing an average 60 per cent of the water supply needs annually. It was originally constructed in 1962, with capacity augmentations completed in 1972 and 1992. It supplies water to seven local government areas including: Hobart, Glenorchy, Kingsborough, Brighton, Derwent Valley, Southern Midlands and Sorell.
The Bryn Estyn WTP Upgrade Project aims to:
- Lower the risk of water restrictions in the greater Hobart region
- Improve operational efficiency by increasing capacity and modernising infrastructure
- Enable the reliable supply of 160 million liters of water per day
- In-build the capacity to expand the water supply demand in the future
- Provide the highest quality drinking water for Tasmanians.
Site Tour Details
Date |
Thursday 21 March 2024 |
Time |
9:00am - 12:00pm |
Venue |
Bryn Estyn Water Treatment Plant |
Please wear long pants, long sleeved shirt, closed-toed shoes and sun protection. Hi vis and a safety helmet is also required.
Inclusions |
Return coach transport from Moonah Arts Centre, a guided tour of the plant and morning tea. We recommend delegates bring their own water bottle.
Register for the breakfast, site tour or both by clicking on the below link and selecting the preferred option.

Type |
Industry Breakfast |
Site Tour |
Member |
$85 |
$35 |
Non-Member |
$120 |
$50 |
Concession Member |
AWA Membership
If you wish to find out more about AWA membership benefits, contact
For more information please contact:
Esther Micah, Events Coordinator | P: 02 9467 8434 | E:
Lynette Polley, Member Engagement Manager | P: 02 9467 8412 | E: