New to the water industry?
New to Canberra?
Want to expand your professional network?
Heard of the Australian Water Association but not quite sure what we do?
Come to meet Young Water Professionals (YWPs) in the region and meet the AWA YWP Committee Members for a fun night of socialising and networking!
This free event is a great opportunity to engage with other YWPs in the region and learn more about the water industry. Meet and greet AWA ACT Committee Members, who will be available to chat and inform about events planned for the rest of the year.
Register your interest using the link below and feel free to bring along any friends and colleagues on the day!
Event Details
When: Thursday 14th March 2024
Venue: Hopscotch (Braddon, ACT)
Address: 5 Lonsdale Street, Braddon ACT
Time: From 5.00pm
What: Casual after work networking session
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Thank you to our Young Water Professionals Networking Partner!