Hat trick for Cedar Grove Environmental Centre

Following two recent industry awards for Logan Water’s Cedar Grove Environmental Centre, the project received its third award in a row last month. The project won the Australian Water Association Infrastructure Project Innovation Award (Metro) at the Queensland Water Awards.
Cedar Grove Environmental Centre features the State’s first wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to benefit the environment through membrane bioreactor technology and constructed wetlands to achieve record low nutrient levels, and offsetting remaining nutrients through catchment restoration. The site is also a centre for research and a community recreation reserve.
Logan City Council’s retiring (former) Acting Director – Road and Water Infrastructure Daryl Ross was presented with his trophy for AWA’s 2020 Australian Water Professional of the Year accolade announced earlier in the year.
To celebrate the Cedar Grove Environmental Centre hat trick, enjoy this 8-minute video about the project. This tells the full story of the project’s 20km of trunk mains, four pump stations, the WWTP and community involvement.