EPA Water Sector Consultation Group Update - December 2023

Ask EPA anything! This is your regular opportunity to get your businesses’ key questions answered by EPA
If you could get EPA’s senior officers’ perspective on something of great interest to your business, what would it be?
Every quarter you have your chance to influence the EPA Water Sector Consultation quarterly forum’s agenda. The AWA and all Victorian water businesses have representation at the EPA Water Sector Consultation quarterly forum which is our collective opportunity to ask nuanced technical or broad policy application questions directly of the EPA.
Chaired by a senior EPA representative (currently Jacquie Stepanoff, Director Policy and Regulation at EPA) the group comprises of delegates from water corporations (nominated by respective CEOs/Managing Directors), AWA, VicWater, DEECA, the Victorian Environmental Water Holder, and representing the collective of Catchment Management Authorities, their peak body Vic Catchments.
AWA’s membership has the opportunity to propose agenda items for upcoming quarterly meetings, and for AWA’s representative to share key updates with its membership. Agenda items any AWA members would like to see tabled can be provided to our current consultation group representative, Amy Gason, here.
Upcoming meetings are scheduled in February and May 2024.