Call for nominations: Share your story for the Women’s Walk along the Merri Creek

The Victorian Branch of the Australian Water Association (AWA) is calling for nominations of women leaders, both past and present, to be acknowledged on a Women’s Walk which will be established along the Merri Creek, Coburg, between Bell Street and Moreland Road.
The Women’s Walk trail will tell the stories of inspiring women who have contributed to the Merri Creek and its surroundings.
“We want to acknowledge and celebrate the cultural heritage and diversity of the Merri Creek, promote waterway health and eventually to do physical works that improve the amenity and environmental health of the waterway”, says Meredith Gibbs, Victorian Branch Committee member and co-leader of the Women’s Walk project.
“The idea is also a response to the brutal attack of a young woman as she was jogging in broad daylight along this section of the Merri Creek in December 2019; a way to reclaim this area as a safe space for women and all of the community to enjoy”, she explains.
The call for nominations for inspiring women leaders to be featured on the trail is the first stage of the AWA’s Women’s Walk project. “We hope that future stages of the project will include physical works such as new plantings, art works or perhaps a women’s garden”, says Meredith. “We want the Women’s Walk to be about inspiring, connecting and sharing stories and knowledge about our waterways and the important role they play in our cities and our lives.”
“We also hope to connect with other organisations who are already doing great work in revitalising the Merri Creek”.
Anyone can nominate themselves or a woman that has contributed to the Merri Creek area. The contribution can be in any area, from Arts and Culture, Ecology and Environmental, Social Justice, to STEM and the not-for-profit sector. Nominations of women business leaders are also welcome.
Through the Women’s Walk, the AWA seeks to honour inspiring women leaders that demonstrate diversity and sustainability principles. Their stories will be recorded and featured on an interactive online map of the Women's Walk trail with access to the collected stories. Later stages of the project will explore the possibility of installing interpretative markers along the Creek (e.g. with QR code to access the online information) and honouring the women through the establishment of new plantings, a women’s garden, artwork, waterway health monitoring activities and so on.
The Women’s Walk will be launched during National Water Week 2021 (beginning 18 October 2021). The first walking of the trail and sharing of the featured women’s stories will take place on Wednesday, 20 October 2021 at 5:30pm.
Nominate now: Nominations for women to feature their stories along the trail throughout the Women’s Walk can be made at this link or the QR code below. Nominations close on 6 August 2021.
For more information, please visit the Women’s Walk webpage or email