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Tales from the Gulf

Written by Ben Hill | Sep 15, 2022 5:10:42 AM

Karumba Water and Waste is lucky enough to be looked after by two indigenous staff members dedicated to providing the community with clean drinking water and wastewater treatment services. Lead operator Waianga Waianga has been in the industry for over 30 years, and trainee Jordan Warusam has just commenced his journey in the water treatment sector.

Waianga and Jordan are both originally from Sabai Island in the Torres Straits, and while they didn't know each other before working together, they share a common great-great Grandfather. They have now formed a strong
bond and can converse in their native language.

Waianga has taken great pride in being able to pass on his knowledge to Jordan, who he now considers like a son. They both have a strong affinity to Country and a desire to take back knowledge and skills to improve water and sewer operations on their home islands to help families and communities.

Their drive comes from their experience in their younger days back on the island, where the community didn't always have enough treated water. Waianga had to drive the tractor after school to cart water to fill the locals' tanks. Jordan experienced daily water outages and regular boil water notices during the dry season.

Waianga says that his long career in the industry has provided him with great pride and taken him to places he never thought possible. He wants to give back by passing on his knowledge to the next generation coming through. Jordan is enthusiastic about his new role and recommends that any young person interested in the industry sign up and see where their career can take them.